Support the People of Ukraine

UK charities

Disasters Emergency Committee

DEC charities are in Ukraine and neighbouring countries meeting the needs of all refugees and displaced people. Donate

British Red Cross

The Red Cross has been supporting people affected by this conflict for years, and will not stop now. The Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), together with fellow Red Cross National Societies in border countries, are working to get vital help to those impacted by this crisis. Donate

United Kingdom for UNHCR

Ukraine has been impacted by years of uncertainty and simmering conflict, and the UN Refugee Agency has been working in the country since 1994, alongside local authorities, partners and community organizations. Donate

British-Ukrainian Aid

British-Ukrainian Aid supports people suffering from the war and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine by aligning UK and Ukrainian efforts. Donate

United Nations Crisis Relief

Ukraine Humanitarian Fund

The Ukraine Humanitarian Fund is one of the UN’s country-based pooled funds. Contributions are collected into a single, unearmarked fund and managed locally under UN leadership. Donate

National Bank of Ukraine

National Bank of Ukraine has opened two fundraising accounts, one for humanitarian assistance to Ukrainians, and a second for Ukraine’s Armed Forces.

Fundraising Account for Humanitarian Assistance to Ukrainians Affected by Russia’s Invasion

A current account for the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine for humanitarian purposes. Donate

Special Account to Raise Funds for Ukraine’s Armed Forces

A current account to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Donate

Local charities

A selection of local NGOs and initiatives that are supporting the people of Ukraine affected by the war.

United Help Ukraine

United Help Ukraine, Inc. is a charitable organization receiving and distributing donations, food and medical supplies to Ukrainian IDPs, people of Ukraine impacted by Russia’s invasion into Eastern Ukraine and annexation of Crimea. Donate

Save Life

This NGO crowdfunds non-lethal military equipment, such as thermal vision scopes, and supplies it to the Donbas front lines. It also provides training for Ukrainian soldiers, as well as researching troops’ needs and social reintegration of veterans. Donate

Donbas SOS

This organization helps those who live in the Donbas war zone, those who relocated to other parts of Ukraine, and freed prisoners of war. It offers legal support, accommodation assistance, and psychological aid among other things. Donate

Crimea SOS

This organization has been helping internally displaced people from Crimea since Russia occupied the peninsula in 2014. It documents Russian authorities’ repressions against Crimeans and advocates for the end of the occupation. Donate


This is a medical battalion that unites volunteer paramedics and doctors to save the lives of soldiers on the frontline. They crowdfund their vehicle repairs, fuel, and medical equipment. Donate


This foundation has been supporting children with cancer for 10 years. They procure medicines, equipment, and arrange overseas treatment, among other things. Donate

Happy Old

This charity provides older people across Ukraine with groceries and medicine, holds educational, entertainment, and sports events, as well as helps with employment. Donate

Let’s Help

This charity cares for older people living alone and helps state retirement homes. They also advocate for better treatment of older people by the state, including providing people aged 60+ with easy access to education. Donate


A charitable initiative devoted to issues of old age in Ukraine. They help lonely seniors by providing them with groceries and hygiene products. Donate

Women Perspectives

An organization helping women who have faced domestic violence, discrimination in the labour market, and other issues. The NGO works with local and state authorities to promote pro-equality gender policies in Ukraine. Donate

Blood Agents

An NGO that promotes regular, conscious and gratuitous blood donations. They have encouraged people to donate blood over 5,000 times over the past six years. Donate

Donor UA

An automated system for recruiting and managing blood donors, designed to promote the donor movement in Ukraine. You can help by signing up and donating blood, or by supporting the project with a money donation. Donate


The largest shelter for stray animals in Ukraine, established in 2000. Its capacity is over 3,000 animals. The institution crowdfunds for animal feed, veterinary drugs, construction and repair of enclosures, and other needs. Donate

Happy Paw

A charity dedicated to solving the problems of homeless animals in Ukraine. The charity helps owners find lost animals, sterilizes domestic animals of people in need and holds lectures on humane treatment of homeless animals for schoolchildren. Donate


A movement for protecting animals from exploitation and abuse. The organization managed to achieve a ban on animal circuses and persuaded many designers participating in Ukrainian Fashion Week to abandon natural fur. Donate


A chain of two charity stores in Kyiv that promote conscious shopping. They accept donated clothes, resell 15% of them, and send the rest to orphanages, homes for the elderly and centres for people with disabilities. Donate

Help the Homeless

This initiative supports homeless people and the elderly in need, by providing them with free meals, medicine, hygiene products, clothes and shoes. Launched by a group of volunteers in 2016, the organization has been relying on crowdfunding. Donate

Suka Zhizn

Volunteers providing various support to the homeless: employment, sorting out documents, searching for relatives and legal counselling. Donate

Zaborona Media

An independent media outlet founded by journalists. They investigate topics such as violations of Ukrainian workers’ rights in the Middle East, arms trafficking, and corruption in the construction sector. Donate


Svoyi gives free oxygen concentrators to people who contracted COVID and can’t be hospitalized due to personal circumstances or when hospitals are overflowing. It also helps those discharged too early in favour of patients in more serious conditions. Donate

The Kyiv Independent

The Kyiv Independent was launched because Ukraine needed on-the-ground English-language journalism of the highest quality, and the community needed a news source they can trust. Donate

Revived Soldiers Ukraine

Revived Soldiers Ukraine is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing aid to the people of Ukraine in support of their fundamental human rights and medical rehabilitation of Ukrainian soldiers. Donate

Sunflower of Peace

Sunflower of Peace has started a fundraiser to prepare first aid medical tactical backpacks for paramedics and doctors on the front lines. Donate

Army SOS

Army SOS Citizens Initiative coordinates people’s efforts to help soldiers of Ukraine. They manage purchases of necessary ammunition, shields, intercommunication and reconnaissance facilities, uniforms, and food supply. They deliver all goods directly to the units’ emplacement. Donate

Razom for Ukraine

Razom, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization supporting the people of Ukraine in their pursuit of a democratic society with dignity, justice, and human and civil rights for all. Razom coordinates groups of volunteers and fundraising efforts to build a prosperous Ukraine project by project. Donate

Charitable Foundation Voices of Children

Charitable Foundation Voices of Children helps children affected by the war in eastern Ukraine. They provide psychological and psychosocial support to children. Donate

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